Men's Specialty
Shock wave therapy
Treatment to enhance sexual performance with Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction (EDSWT For ED)
The symbol of masculinity, strength, power, toughness and endurance is something that every man desires, not only for himself but also for a lasting relationship with his lover. Currently, with the changing lifestyle, men have to work hard, get less rest, lack of exercise and stress, which are all risk factors that will cause male performance to decrease more than it should be. Decreased morning erection, not fully hard, not hard enough and soft during the act and cannot be hard again.
Enhancement of sexual performance with the latest technology Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave Therapy (EDSWT)
Erectile Dysfunction Shockwave Therapy (EDSWT) is the latest technology that is specifically designed for male performance rehabilitation, which has been widely accepted abroad that it can help restore and treat erectile dysfunction. To make men more confident in their performance, it is treated by sending low-frequency sound waves, which have the ability to stimulate the creation of new blood vessels in the penis and increase blood flow to the shaft of the penis. To strengthen the erection to return to normal, strong, powerful, durable and controllable as desired. It can be used to treat erectile dysfunction from the root cause, painless and without any side effects. It is safer than taking long-term medication. The condition of incomplete erection of the penis during sex is often caused by insufficient blood flow to the penis during sex. The erection of the penis will occur only when there is good blood flow to the penis, causing the penis to expand and become hard. Many blood vessels in the penis area also cause a good response and can be controlled better. Based on research, it has been shown that low-intensity sound waves with impact can help restore and treat erectile dysfunction.
- The corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cell is like a sponge. The cells lining the blood vessels, nerves, these structures play an important role in the erection of the penis. Therefore, if there are factors that affect all three mechanisms, it will cause erectile dysfunction.
- Research has confirmed that low-intensity sound waves with impact can help repair and restore the above-mentioned pathological damage.
- Low-intensity sound waves with impact by increasing the number of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) promote the restoration and repair of damaged penis tissue.
- Helps stimulate the formation of new capillaries in the penis.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with Shockwave Therapy
For erectile dysfunction, known as "Erectile dysfunction" (ED), it is a common problem in men aged 40 and over. The problem will be more severe with increasing age. Currently, we have found this problem in men more and more. And at a younger age, this erectile dysfunction is also a sign of health problems. It is a warning sign of abnormalities that may begin from problems with the blood vessels, such as heart disease and cerebral infarction. Because the blood flow to the penis is not enough. Many service recipients have good results. It was found that this treatment method is more effective than taking long-term medication. And one day, it may not respond to the drug. Making activities more natural And giving a better response The results of this treatment method can be effective for those with mild to moderate and severe erectile dysfunction. After treatment with Shockwave Therapy, the therapist can reduce the medication and stop taking it. The chance of success is 70-85%. SHOCKWAVE THERAPY can also be used to treat Chronic Prostatitis Pain Syndrome (CPPS) and Peyronie's Disease
Treatment Procedure
- Using Shock Wave Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction takes 30 minutes to treat once a week for 3 weeks or can be adjusted according to the convenience of the patient (results faster than standard techniques that require 6-12 treatments).
- No anesthesia or sedation is required before treatment.
- You can return to your normal activities immediately.
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