Men's Specialty
Dorsal neurotomy
Treatment of premature ejaculation
The International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) defines premature ejaculation as a physical disorder.
Therefore, the best treatment is to see a doctor to talk directly to a specialist. The doctor will be able to advise on the appropriate treatment for your condition. Once the doctor has diagnosed your premature ejaculation, the next step is to see what treatment options are available.
Currently, there are many treatment methods that can help you control your ejaculation better, which will increase sexual satisfaction for you and your partner.
Dorsal Neurotomy or Dorsal Neurectomy
It is considered a new technique that is not well-known in Thailand for treating this disease. There is academic data confirming that the treatment result is as high as 80-85 percent. It is a surgery to cut off the sensory nerves of the penis (dorsal nerve), which can completely cure this disease. It is a minor surgery with few side effects. It should be performed by a specialist only.
Answering as a specialist in the urinary tract and reproductive system And experienced doctors who perform nerve surgery to solve premature ejaculation problems in over 100 cases and are specialized doctors who take care of this issue specifically.
From research, the number of cases is over 100 cases. The surgery is successful, up to 80-85%. As for the answer, "Does it permanently cure?" From the experience, it can be said that it allows patients to adjust to a time that is close to normal. Asked what the average is, it cannot be answered in minutes because the basis is how much the patient has invested, it will last about 4-5 times longer. For example, if you are still around 1 minute, you will have the opportunity to have sex for 4-5 minutes longer.
What we perform is a surgery to solve the problem of sensory nerves. This means that the surgery only reduces the sensation of the penis, not eliminates it. This means that from the original sensitivity, we reduce the sensitivity to reduce your sensation, reduce it, to make it longer to reach the orgasm point or climax. That is the main goal of solving the problem of premature ejaculation surgery, which does not involve blood vessels or anything else. It means that the patient's erection is still normal in every respect.
Premature ejaculation is a condition that we are born with. Everyone will realize that we have premature ejaculation. Most patients will realize this point. The average who came to see the doctor From the experience of operating on more than 100 people, most patients, if they are young, 18-20 years old, will think that it is caused by excitement, panic, nervousness, anxiety. But when we pass the age of aging, when we are 30 years old, we will start to realize that the things that are fast, they are fast from the beginning. And will start to have problems in married life, breaking up with the boyfriend, breaking up with the wife, or some people live their married life without happiness.
As for advice, people who have premature ejaculation, people who have experience of premature ejaculation will know by themselves how much of a problem it is for them. When we live our lives by having sex for only half a minute or 1 minute, it is a problem in married life. The experience that the doctor has encountered is that people with this condition lead to problems in married life, breaking up, not breaking up, a lot. Because if you ask how can you make your partner happy if you only have half a minute, 1 minute or 1 minute?
It is considered a consideration. Because we have to understand that the group of patients with this disease, they just go to consult somewhere else, they don't know where to consult. And my own channel is one channel that provides advice for this condition. Which has experience of meeting patients that I work with all the time. And I do it all the time and a lot. Thank you. I understand. You can consult me.
Treatment Results
Talk to your doctor about your expectations for treating premature ejaculation from the beginning. The goal of treatment is to help you control ejaculation and have a satisfying sexual relationship with your partner. However, if you are still having sexual problems or other relationship problems, your doctor may recommend that you seek additional help from a sex/relationship therapist.
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