Thai Medicine
Gold facial massage
Treatment symptoms
- Helps add nutrients to the skin, reduces acne, reduces freckles, reduces melasma
- Dry/oily face, peeling face, sunburned face
- Balance blood circulation throughout the face
- Reduce facial tension, relieve migraines
Symptoms used for treatment
- Press hard to promote good blood circulation, open the air paths throughout the face at 3 points
- Start applying oil, press lightly to expel lymph and increase blood circulation in the veins
- Apply gold leaf and massage until absorbed
Medicinal properties
- Gold leaf is alkaline, has a cooling effect, and a bitter taste that helps to reduce heat and expel waste from the skin.
- Add nutrients to the face
- Reduce tension, increase firmness
- Reduce eye pain, eyebrow headache, temple pain, migraine symptoms well.